90% of the total population in Tanzania depends on farming. Farming activities employ at least 45 million in Tanzania. The government is currently giving much attention to agriculture but still the gap between the middle class and the poor is very wide. Since time memorial, farming has been associated with poverty. Those who engage in farming are considered to be living below the poverty line. Actually that is the reality. Over 95% of the farmers are doing farming for subsistence.



Sparkling Sato Farming

Sparkling Sato is a fish farming project with an aim of mobilizing, organizing and serving small-holder farmers in rural areas Musoma district located in Mara region. Tilapia is decreasingly unable to meet the rising demand as natural water bodies of Lake Victoria are overfished. There is high community unrest, scrambling and illegal fishing in Lake Victoria.

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Mkaa Bomba Charcoal Briquettes

We are manufacturing charcoal briquettes from maize cobs and rice husks that produce clean, smokeless, with a pleasant scent and long lasting charcoals. Tanzania alone for the last year consumed over 3,800 million tons of wood charcoals.

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Cattle Fattening

In Tanzania, 94% of total beef cattle herds are predominantly produced using traditional beef cattle farming (a free-range production system), while only 6% is produced using commercial (modern) beef cattle farming. The traditional beef cattle industry provides 95% of the country’s beef meat. The national beef cattle herd is dominated by indigenous beef cattle which are currently displaying low productivity, but they have much potential if feed, health, and breed improvements can be made.

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Maize Farming

Maize (corn) is the most important food crop in Tanzania, cultivated on over 45% of total arable land and generating close to 50% of rural cash income, at an average of 100 USD per maize producing household in 2018 (FAOSTAT, 2019). Maize production in the country is mostly under low-input rain-fed conditions. Use of simple farm equipment, recycled seeds, minimal use of agrochemicals and minimal weeding is the most common technological package. The result is frequent crop failure.

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