Mkaa Bomba Charcoal Briquettes

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We are manufacturing charcoal briquettes from maize cobs and rice husks that produce clean, smokeless, with a pleasant scent and long lasting charcoals. Tanzania alone for the last year consumed over 3,800 million tons of wood charcoals. It takes 15 – 20 trees of 10 to 15 years old to produce 1 ton of wood charcoal. To produce 3,800 million tons means a total deforestation. By 2050, it is believed that most of African’s countries will be deserts if necessary measures are not taken. With our charcoal briquettes in place we aim at reducing deforestation by 30% in Tanzania come 2030. 80 – 95% of all families both in urban and rural areas in Tanzania depend on charcoal fuel for their domestic purposes. In Mara region, where we have Mara River, over 200ha are shrunk every year. There have been unpredictable rains, floods, droughts all because of deforestation. Climate change has become a threat to mankind.  MASs is providing a sound and permanent solution.

This project is about creating sustainable environment conservation, provide employments, provide food for the families, eliminate poverty and contribute to the national economy.

  1. Sustainable Environment: Through manufacturing of charcoal briquettes from the maize cobs, rice husks, and cotton husks which is our main economic activity; we will be able to stop deforestation which results as wood charcoals burning.
  2. Job Creation: Charcoal briquettes industries will be established in every region more especially where maize farming and other raw materials are easily obtained. In every region there will be an industry for charcoal briquette production and will create over 200 direct jobs and over 5,000 indirect jobs.
  3. Zero Hunger: Maize cobs are our major raw materials and they are obtained through maize farming in large scale. We intend to support farmers who can manage 5ha and above by providing farming tractors, quality seeds, and water for irrigation. This will ensure food supply throughout the year. After harvest, farmers will give us cobs for free and repay subsidies provided during farming.
  4. Zero Poverty: MASS will also buy maize produce from farmers at a reasonable price. We will add value to the maize flour through fortification by adding zinc, vitamins and minerals. This will not only create a health nation but also contribute to the national economy. Farmers will be able to create a sustainable economy through farming.